
Mentor Scheme

The Mentoring aims to provide mentees in the recruitment industry, with guidance, support, advice and insight into the sector and beyond.

Mentoring also gives the mentors an opportunity to learn about the challenges, perceptions, and barriers from perspective of their mentee’s, taking these learnings into their role in their own company to achieve the other strategic objectives of Programme One

Reverse-Mentoring is when a less experienced team member is paired with a more experienced team member to mentor them on various topics of strategic and cultural relevance.

Benefits of Mentoring

    • Increased retention of Millennials
    • Provides cultural insights and perspectives
    • Promotes diversity by cultivating listening and empathy in senior members
    • Builds confidence in approach to diversity and inclusion
    • Understand how to attract and retain Black talent directly from Black talent
    • Learn skills in supporting wider demographic group

  • Be supported with personal development in the recruitment industry
  • Identify and achieve career goals within recruitment
  • Be helped to identify and correct gaps in skills and knowledge within the industry
  • An opportunity to build your self-confidence and participation in the industry
  • Develop broader perspective on career options and opportunities
  • Develop leadership skills which can lead to a management position

The Commitment

Mentees receive guidance from their mentors. The mentors receive training from the Aleto Foundation and are a part of a community of Programme One mentors.

Each participating company will have access to: 

  • Quarterly training sessions for mentors by the Aleto Foundation. These training sessions are aimed at making effective mentors that can support and learn from their mentees.
  • The mentoring platform to track their progress.
  • Smart matching so that mentors and mentees have the most ideal pairings.
  • Online videos, articles and resources to continually improve as a mentor/mentee

Mentors and mentees can continue their professional relationships at the end of the fixed period. However, access to the programme management will end after a fixed period of 12 months.